Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Veteran's Day

To my favorite veteran!

In honor of Grandpa Knecht, who can tell more war stories than your grandpa, here's his favorite joke:

What do you call a row of rabbits walking backwards?

A receding hare line.



Amanda said...

You should do a who post of Grandpa Knecht jokes. It's been awhile since I've been over for Sunday dinner with him.

Laura said...

Your grandpa is the cutest ever! I didn't really know either of mine, so I'll pretend that yours is mine. I agree with Amanda! Maybe a weekly post of Grandpa Knecht-isms!

Laura said...

Your grandpa is the cutest ever! I didn't really know either of mine, so I'll pretend that yours is mine. I agree with Amanda! Maybe a weekly post of Grandpa Knecht-isms!

Gina said...

That's a great pic of grandpa. Here's witches eat their candy with their fingers? No, they eat their candy first, then their fingers.

There are as many jokes as there are war stories. Our grandpa wins!

Liz the Poet said...

Oh, how I miss talking to your Grandpa!

I LOVED when he would call for Gina, and I would have the pleasure of talking to him for a few minutes.