Which is my point. I have actual photographic proof that at the age of 32 I've entered the golden years of my life. Behold:

I took this picture because I was kind of enthralled with the moment. It was 7:00pm, I was home in my PJs, reading Persuasion*, wrapped up in my big chair and drinking cocoa from my cute teapot. Cozy, right? The perfect evening. So I got the camera out to capture it all. And once I did I noticed also in the picture the following: my jumbo size bottle of multi-vitamins, my carafe of water that I like to keep by my bed because I get a dry throat at night, my dermatologist recommended hand lotion. And what you can't see is that I have a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. An afghan actually. THAT I CROCHETED!!!
At least I have all my teeth.
*The Masterpiece Theatre Jane Austen-fest begins this Sunday night with Persuasion. They're showing adaptations of all 6 of her books, including 4 new ones, and one on her life. It will be every Sunday night from now until April. Which means that we're going to have to start Sunday night popcorn down at the fam's a little earlier so I can get home in time. That is, popcorn before Andy Rooney comes on 60 minutes. Where do you think I get the 80 year old gene from?
I'm so excited to know about the Jane Austen PBS series. I watched part one of the Jane Eyre episodes and recorded part two that I hope to watch someday. I thought it was really good. I'm confident Austen adaptations will also be enjoyable. Wish we could all somehow watch it together virtually...except maybe Laura wouldn't enjoy that. Laura, do you like watching Jane Austen stories, or are they as tedious as you find the books? Just wondering...
Ohhhhh! Where did you get that teapot?!
I made it at Color Me Mine. It sits on top of the cup. Cute huh? I'm a particularly proud of it.
And Wendy, we may not all be able to watch them together but we can certainly have a little email discussion of them.
Can we start Jane's hour at Rachel's on Sunday night too? We can alternate scone duty. :D And we desperately need to go to go Color Me Mine again.
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