Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dear Everyone I've Spent Any Time With This Week,

Do you have a deal with Bert & Rocky's? Just be straight with me, okay. I don't care if you do but I just need to know because it seems like what you people want more than anything is ice cream. I've been 3 times this week and then Stacy just called to ask if we could get some tonight. You know I can't turn down ice cream! I'm just saying that someone is going to have to pay for these extra 10 pounds that have landed on my butt and it seems like it's going to be me. I'm not happy about it. Okay, I'm happy when I'm eating the ice cream but afterwards, I'm pretty bitter. How about next week you all suggest celery.

Love, Rachel


Amanda said...

I will definitely suggest celery for you next week! I will not tempt you with anymore ice cream. I of course am still looking forward to my ice cream in the freezer, so hopefully that won't cause you to make another run tomorrow.
See you tomorrow!

Laura said...

How about celery ice cream as a compromise?

rachelsaysso said...

The funny thing is that I still have my ice cream in the freezer too!

Chris said...

I'm a little jealous. Four years in California and I only had Bert & Rocky's once. How pathetic am I?

rachelsaysso said...

When you come down (for the week that we're calling Chris and Gina-palooza!)I'll take you and introduce you to the magic of Chocolate Orange ice cream.