Monday, February 9, 2015

Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down?

I think I'm going to frame this picture of Prince and set him up on my desk and anytime I read something on the internet that annoys me I'm going to look at it and say, "What do you think, Prince." And he'll be all:

And I'll be all, "Yeah. Me too."

I'm imagining all the conversations I could have with him. That look says it all:  "Get a grip, Rachel."

Prince, what do you think of this outfit?

Prince, should I get a pixie cut?

Hey Prince, I'm going to stay up late to watch an episode of Gilmore Girls that I've already seen a dozen times.

I don't think I would ever make another bad decision in my life.

While we're on the subject, I think we should all agree to send angry letters to any radio station that cuts into the end of Let's Go Crazy. That song is solid gold from start to finish. And We, the People, deserve to hear it all.

Prince, are we gonna let the elevator bring us down?


Rach said...

That picture really does say it all. I should print a copy for myself, too.

Camille said...

Yeah, consider the idea stolen! Because who needs a magic 8 ball when we have Prince. And now I really don't need that shrink in Beverly Hills, Dr. Everything'll be Alright.

Unknown said...


Chris said...

And where can I get a shirt like that?