I can tell you for sure that if I got to wear my bathrobe everyday, I'd be pretty happy too.
Don't you think we should institute a weekly jim-jam day? I think it would do wonders for the National Funk we're in right now. We would all still have to go to work and live our lives, but we could do it in our jammies, without anyone judging us.
I should admit right now that I do judge people who go out in the PJs or lounge wear. Remember a few years ago when wearing lounge wear out to the grocery store was all the rage? People would show up in the produce aisle wearing plushy track suits, and it would infuriate me because when did it become acceptable to walk around looking like you just rolled out of bed? Have some dignity people! It's one thing to put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie and throw your hair back in a pony tail, but at least you look like you've made an effort. So I'm against such loose standards.
But, if it were, say, National Jim-Jam Tuesday and everyone could wear their over-sized flannel pants and an old t-shirt and scuzzy slippers they can't bare to part with, all in the name of Freedom and Democracy and the American Dream, well, that I could get behind.
I'm in! All the girls here at ASU wear their pj's every day anyway. I'd fit right in. But I think we should institute a National Jim-Jam Day with some boundaries. Like pajama shorts are ok as long as the cheeks are covered.
I'm with you Andrea. No cheekage. I must share that when you work at a ghetto school, you see National Jim Jam day, every day. I've seen a lot of sloppy dressers and far too many Sponge Bob jammy pants, but the lingerie lady takes the cake. She actually dropped her kid off at school in her negligee and robe. I don't mean a long elegant robe or even a terry cloth robe. It was one of those shorty silky deals that usually are only worn for 30 seconds at a time. It wasn't bad enough that she dropped her kid off in that, but she actually came into the office to inquire about some new lunch calendars and another form she needed. It was out of control. I think she was on her way to a secret rendezvous.
So, no cheekage and no sexy lingerie!
Wait, isn't that already going on? Because I've been having Jim-Jam day since the day Jacob was born. So, I'm in.
You should read The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. He goes to Bhutan to figure out why those people are so darn happy. The book is awesome too because Weiner is such a grump and being surrounded by happy people makes him simultaneously irritated and content.
Hands in for National Jim Jam Day!!!
(Although, I'm a little afraid to see what my co-workers wear. It might scar me...)
I love the idea! For the sake of the economy of course . . .
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