Friday, April 3, 2009

The Economy

I legitimately blame the Economy at least 5 times a day. We don't have any jobs available right now but I get call after call from people desperate for work and all I can say to them is, "You know...the Economy...." Which is true. Because the state has no money, the counties has no money, and since all of our in-state contracts come through the counties they aren't giving us any new jobs.

But I have started using the Economy as an excuse for a lot of annoying things and I find it to be very satisfying.

Things like:

1.) The lack of ice cream in my freezer
2.) The gloomy weather outside
3.) Dirty laundry
4.) My inability to tap dance
5.) Bad hair days

I certainly hope President Obama has set aside money in the stimulus package for a pint of chocolate orange from Bert & Rocky's for me.


The Katzbox said...

"The inability to tap dance"...I love it.....

Wendy said...

I blame the economy for my dirty car. Don't want to spend frivolously on water to wash it and electricity to vacuum it...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

(hey rachel, this is nancy from eating my words.)

assign external blame whenever you can - that's always been my motto!

Amanda said...

I like that idea.
I am going to add bad ponytail hair to that list.

Stephanie said...

I think Obama could have done worse than to stimulate the economy with a pint of ice cream.

The economy is to blame for my lack of spunk.

James Best said...

The weather is dreary here too, and I was just all, "oh, well, it's April, I guess it's supposed to rain, or whatevs". Never once did I consider that there was a play to lay blame.

Thank you, Rachel. You have opened by eyes.

James Best said...

p.s. That last comment, from Guy Mayhem, is actually from Valerie. disguise.

Rach said...

I blame my dirty house on the economy. And the piles of dirty laundry that need to be done. And the fact that the only days it's been warm enough to play outside have been Sundays. And I'm also hoping Obama set aside money in the plan for a maid to come clean my house and pay for take-out.