1.) I have a stye which has caused my eye to get all puffy and droopy and purple. And because of it I can't wear make-up which, even though it's not really a tragedy, only adds to my general feeling of homeliness.
(Me, not smiling with my eyes. Sorry Tyra,)

2.) Our company finally got a 6 month assignment with a local government agency, after working to get one with them for a year, and we sent our girl down today to start and she left for lunch and never came back. A pox on you, Temp!!!! A pox!!!!
Maybe, in addition to ice cream, I need to play the Glad Game.
1.) I'm glad I'm wearing a cute outfit, to counteract the homeliness,
2.) I'm glad I don't look so drastically different without makeup so people aren't moved to ask if I'm dying of consumption,
3.) I'm glad that ice cream exists.
Maybe in addition to ice cream and the Glad Game I should have a give away!
Leave a comment about what makes you glad and I'll have a drawing for another Mr. T bookmark.
4.) I'm glad I can make Mr. T bookmarks and give them away.
I'm glad to be back at work and surrounded by so many interesting people that make me feel like I am more normal than I thought I was. I pity those fools.
I love the PollyAnna glad game...
I am glad that my husband is home before 7:00pm tonight!
I'm glad I have your blog to entertain me when work is dull. :) I'm also glad I have an awesome, awesome family.
I'm glad that there are funny people that blog and that they, in turn, have funny friends and that we can all connect and cheer each other up.
I'm glad that my dog loves me as much as I love him.
I'm glad I get to spend thanksgiving with my 89-year-old mama in Ohio and with 3 of my 4 children and 6 of my 8 grandchildren and my 2 siblings. Yeesh.
I'm glad for this game.
It makes me glad that, even with a big ol' puffy red spot, you have much prettier eyes than me.
I'm glad that I have a job that I love, even though my boss drives me nuts sometimes.
I'm glad the Phillies won last night.
And that comment was actually meant to cheer you up, NOT to suck up in order to get a Mr. T bookmark. But if it works for that too, I'm totally stoked.
I'm glad I get to go to hawaii tomorrow!!!!!
i am glad i have such an awesome sister, their should be an official sister day
A Mr. T bookmark would be a perfect addition to the Mr. T/Chuck Norris book of facts we have here at the house.
I'm glad you're my sister.
(Sucking up a little never hurt anyone.)
I am NOT missing out on this again. I WILL win that Mr. T bookmark, if it kills me (or you).
Now, to glad:
I'm glad for epic pronouncements (see above) that ensure that things WILL go your way.
I am glad that I have makeup, and know how to put it on. Especially my eye concealer/highlighter which has caffeine to tighten my bags.
I'm glad for family nearby and that my mum does all the dishes when I stay at her house.
I'm glad I have learned to take decent looking photos with my camera.
I am glad that I have makeup, and know how to put it on. Especially my eye concealer/highlighter which has caffeine to tighten my bags.
I'm glad for family nearby and that my mum does all the dishes when I stay at her house.
I'm glad I have learned to take decent looking photos with my camera.
I'm glad to have read the part of the previous comment that reads "tighten my bags." I will work that into a sentence today if it kills me.
I'm glad our satellite is getting fixed today so we can watch Next Top Model tomorrow. (If we were playing the "not glad" game, I would be not glad that I have missed it the last two weeks).
I'm glad you got me into watching Project Runway.
I'm glad Tim got a job that gives him every other Friday off and that he's working closer to home now.
I'm glad Jacob didn't dump his cereal on his lap and onto the floor this morning like he has for the past 3 mornings.
I'm glad you update your blog regularly. It makes my day.
I'm glad you are my friend.
I'm glad I had five cookies and a cup of milk for breakfast this morning.
I'm glad I went walking to counteract the cookies.
I'm glad our long wished for family room is almost finished and that we can entertain our whole family this Thanksgiving. I feel a huge "hands in" and hug train coming on.
i'm glad that even tho it may get dark almost right after i get off work now (darn u DST!), i do have a job!
Mr. T bookmarks make me glad!
Okay, for sure I should win this one. I'm glad that I was able to travel 1,648 miles to see you the other day. Shouldn't I win just for that? :) And P.S. remember happy birthday??
I am also glad that when I made the voyage to CA that Bert and Rocky's actually had Chocolate Orange in the cooler. Heavenly days!
Amanda wins, hands down. What could be better than being glad for Chocolate Orange ice cream? Mmmm, I miss that stuff.
I'm glad about grownups who wear Halloween costumes, My Macbook Spock*, pumpkin flavored things, fireworks, and indeed Mr. T himself. After all, it was Mr. T who taught me to treat my mother right:
*Spock is the name of my laptop, its not a fancy new app or anything. Do computers have apps or is that only iphones? Either way there should definitely be a Spock one
I'm glad it's Fall
I'm glad the world "glad" is fun to say.
I'm glad I have 2 unread Rachel blogs in my reader to get me through and early morning of back pain
I'm glad the Lakers won last night
and I'm glad you're my friend.
I'm glad that I have people who love me.
I'm glad that school could possibly be finishing soon.
I'm glad that there are somethings that always make me feel better, no matter what goes wrong in my life.
(Are we also playing the "not glad" game? Because I am NOT-Glad that my school keeps raising tuition, because one more semester and I will have to sell my car and hope it will pay for one semester...I might have to through in an arm...)
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