Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How do they hook their bras with just their fins?

Note:  I'm in the desert, hopefully being woed by scores of amorous date farmers.  And I know that you thought you could catch a break but thanks to the miracle of science and my undying love for you I won't let that happen.   Here's a little jem.

Remeber this guy?  We ran into him again, but this time out on the beach by the marina.  He spotted us and came over to chat, asking if I remembered him.  Of course I did.  You don't forget a guy with no teeth who offers you a jumbo shrimp.  He spent a few minutes explaining how he couldn't fish today because the wind was coming from the south and the sea was rough.  Boy, was it.  I've never seen water so choppy.  ("The sea was angry that day, my friends."*  One million imaginary points to the first person who can give the next line.)  But then he said the following, "In two weeks you come to my ship and I give you fish.  Good for the boys.  But not good for girls.  But boys, yes.  Because they don't have..." And then he pantomimed out breasts.  "You know.  The fish, they don't have any...."  And he did it again.  "So it's good for boys.  Come to my boat in 2 weeks and I'll have fish for you.  Okay?"

Okay!  It's a date.  Because if there are fish without boobs then their must be fish with boobs and this I've got to see.


The Katzbox said...

Tie a ribbon around that finger of yours and take that camera!!! This will be poster worthy!


Andrea said...

" an old man trying to return soup at a deli"

Valerie said...

Now, I'm not sure, but I don't think he was trying to say that fish had boobs. Although, go, and let me know if I'm wrong.

Angela said...

Excellent memory-maker, right there.

Rach said...

Fish with breasty business. Hmmm...

krii8 said...

I can't believe your luck! I am so glad you do not speak their language!

Anonymous said...

.............Is it a Titleist?