Friday, March 29, 2013

The taste of things

Up on the other (lately ignored) blog of mine I have posted a recipe for Thai Peanut Sauce.  Click over, get the recipe, go to the store, get the ingredients, make this, and erect a statue in my honor for introducing you to it.

I'll wait.

Okay.  Now that you're back, let's talk about food for a bit.  I was talking with my friend Melissa the other night about food and both of us mentioned that we know people who just aren't that interested in it.  I actually heard someone say once, "I don't really enjoy eating." Can you imagine?! All I heard was, "I don't really enjoy living." Because food, and all of it's textures and flavors is one of the greatest joys of life.  It's a mystery that these people are out there.

So we were talking about this phenomenon and I think we hit upon the answer.  I bet their smeller is broken.  Follow the logic here.  As we all know, I have the Great and Powerful Nose.  I smell everything.  My super sniffer is my mutant power.  Which naturally means that I have a super taster, because they're linked. Flavors, good or bad, explode in my mouth.  Which is why I get so excited when I eat something that is delicious.  Because to me, it is really, really, really delicious.

Which made me think that maybe those people who don't like to eat have some kind of medical condition.  You know when you have a cold and your nose is stuffed up, food just doesn't taste all that great.  So I started thinking of these people who don't enjoy eating as having permanently stuffy noses.  They must not actually know what things really taste like.  Because if everything just tastes like iceberg lettuce then of course eating isn't pleasurable.  So instead of thinking they're weird I should really pity them.  And race for a cure or something. Ooh!  Let's get those rubber wrist bands!

I'm really just making this up right now.  But it's a theory that makes me feel a whole lot better about these poor people who don't like food for no discernable reason.  Maybe you know someone like this.  Maybe you are someone like this.  If you are, tell me, how is your nose?


Andrea said...

I met a lady at a stake function and she told me she didn't have any taste buds. I felt so sorry for her. What would life be like without taste buds? Boring. Very boring.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine is like that, she said her childhood sucked all the enjoyment out of eating food for her. I didn't ask for details. What about a night where absolutely no food in the world sounds good to either make or purchase, could I still wear a wristband?

Stacy said...

Maybe these people have deviated septums. From what I understand, the surgery to repair such a thing is not too bad.

aprilaleman said...

And with that said.... we really missed you Saturday at Slaters. You would have loved the peanut butter and jelly bacon hamburger. No seriously, you would've.

BTW, My mom is one of those people. She is a hard travel companion for only that reason.

Rach said...

You know how I feel about food, because we discussed it last time I saw you. My mom's sense of smell is shot, and I'm pretty sure that's impacted her ability to enjoy food. I also have a Super Sniffer. I can't drive past any restaurant without wanting to run in and stuff my face. I hate to wait for 15 minutes at a Thai restaurant the other day to get my food and I thought I was going to die. Then I started eating and it was a party in my mouth. So I'm on board with your theory.

Rach said...

I meant to say I HAD to wait, not I hate to wait. But I do hate to wait for food. Especially in a Thai restaurant that smells delicious.

Daisy said...

I don't know you, but I'm going to comment anyway...I have a super sniffer as well. Most of the time it's good, but there are those times when it definitly is NOT. Like when you stuck sitting next to a kid with a gross diaper. Or you're standing in a long line that happens to be the shortest line and someone keeps "crop dusting."
Because of my sense of smell I also have a strong gag reflex. I just want an average sense of smell and taste/gag. Average, just average......

rachelsaysso said...

Daisy, yes. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it is a real curse. So at least there is this upside and chocolate tasting better.