Tuesday, December 31, 2013
To which I say, if this is all the bad things that happened then fine, I'll take it. Those are hardly tragedies. In fact it's been a year of grand adventure (as all years should be.) Look, there have been plenty of rough patches in 2013. But it's hard to complain when life hands so you much joy.
This was the year I:
Went to New York with my sisters
Met Neil Gaiman
Became a godmother
Learned to not hate exercise
Went to a play-off game for the Dodgers
Sang "My Favorite Things" with Julie Andrews
Talked to Mock Turtleneck Guy
Found the Best Ice Cream in the Los Angeles
Did two days at the tennis tournament instead of just one
Met an astronaut
Memorized the order of the presidents
Discovered Prancercising
Survived my first year of early morning seminary and started a new one
Went to the circus for the first time
Saw New Kids on the Block from the luxury suite
Drove up the central coast with a bunch of wild teenagers
Made chocolate covered bacon
Went to the temple more
Went to lots of sing alongs
Read a lot of books
Had lots of Art Society meetings
Ditto that for book club
Laughed a lot with friends and family
See, it's been great. Even if only half of these things happened I'd still consider it a success because there's so much to love about life (okay, truthfully, all I really needed was Prancercising.) And I'm grateful that you come around here from time to time and share in the joy. It's an honor to have you be a part of it. Here's to a new year full of wonder. And Slurpees.
Friday, December 27, 2013
It's been a week of Christmas
4. Christmas Eve brunch buffet at the Avocado House. Caramel syrup for everyone!

7. Lots of Addie time. I cannot adequately express to you how cute this kid is. Oh, sure, you've seen pictures, but they don't do her any justice. She has the most adorable personality and we would all spend hours just watching her babble to herself. And now she's gone and we're in the depths of despair. COME BACK TO US ADELAIDE!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas!
I'll tell you about Julie Andrews and the Knecht Family Party hootenanny and the impromptu trip to Disneyland later. But right now I just want to say that I hope your Christmas is merry and bright and that the Spirit of Christ fills your homes and your hearts.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
The Hills Are Alive!
Monday, December 16, 2013
An Elegant Hand
And then I had a flashback to the day when I applied for a job and the woman doing the interview looked at my handwriting and said, "That's almost identical to mine." And she pulled out a piece of paper and started writing and she was not kidding. We were writing twins. Very spooky. I got the job and we ended up being eerily similar in many ways.
And then again, I just finished up reading Rebecca where the New Mrs. de Winter keeps talking about how sharp and decisive Rebecca's handwriting was. She's haunted by it because she has such weak handwriting and how can Maxim ever love her and her inelegant hand? How, indeed! And it struck me that for however long people have been writing they have been commenting on it. And someday in the near future that won't happen anymore.
Then today I read an article about how important it is to still teach cursive in school. A lot of places have taken it right out of their curriculum. I'm not as broken up about it as you might imagine. The article was a little preachy and the gist of it was that it boosts kids' self esteem to master script. Hogwash, I say. If anything learning cursive gave me anxiety. I could never get the letters to look how they were supposed to look when I always could in printing. And if I based my self worth on how nice my T's looked then that would be a sad thing indeed. But naturally, it made me want to dust off the old cursive:
Isn't it strange how we all learned cursive and we still break through and write how we want. I mean, I really applied myself to it. I did all those worksheets as a kid and still my writing has evolved to look nothing like how I was taught. Oh, how I agonized over those Ts. And also the lowercase r. I could never get that second corner.
But it is a little sad that kids today are missing out on the joy of writing the cursive Z. I still use it because it's just so satisfying. When I wrote out Zarahemla (a place in the Book of Mormon) on the board in class the other day, the kids did not know what it was.
This is just a really long way of saying, "Handwriting. Am I right?"
Friday, December 13, 2013
Disney Day
Monday, December 9, 2013
The footwear of choice for communist regimes
Any ideas as to why these North Korean soldiers are patrolling in heals. I mean, they have tread which will help them chase their fleeing countrymen across the ice but that's where the practicality ends. Also, is Number Two wearing sensible pumps with blue socks? Yes. North Korea is a glorious mystery.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Soup and sympathy
Do you want to know the most strenuous thing I did today? I lifted 6 pizzas. But the rest of the day consisted mainly of sitting and talking, so a normal full day. And still I came home completely wiped out. Which is to say that I'm back among the living, just not 100%. And that's ok. I'll take what I can get.
I took off Monday and Tuesday and made it 4 whole hours on Wednesday, which felt like an enormous accomplishment. And I don't have the death rattle any more. I think we caught the shingles early enough to not be so miserable as I remember. And I can stand for longer than 5 minutes. Progress.
But what I really want to say is that I'm surrounded by the nicest people on the planet. My refrigerator full of soup can attest to it. People dropped by with food and sympathy, and countless more offered. My seminary class was taken care of (like early morning seminary is the easiest thing to sub for on a few hours notice.) And everyone has been so helpful and wonderful. I have felt very taken care of. So thanks. If any of you want letters of recommendations as a friend I'll write you a glowing one.
Monday, December 2, 2013
The doctor hiatus has ended
Which was how I ended up at the doctors this morning. "Sure, Rachel. Of course you were at the doctors. This is what normal people do." Except that I haven't been to a doctor in about 6 years. Mostly because I didn't have insurance for a lot of those years but also because I never think I'm sick enough to see a doctor.
I'm going to suggest to my doctor that he starts creating categories for patients based on their level of tolerance. Because you know there are people out there who go in for a runny nose. They get one little paper cut and they're off to the doctor. And then there are people like me who only go in if limbs are starting to fall off. I want to have a sticker on my chart that says, "She's not kidding. She's really suffering. Desperation drove her here. Please just give her drugs and let her go home."
Because when the doctor said to me, "I'm not going to give you anything for the bronchitis but if you get to the point of extreme exhaustion and you have to drag yourself out of bed to do anything then give me a call," I wanted to yell, "I'M THERE! I'VE BEEN THERE FOR DAYS NOW! WHY DO YOU THINK I'M HERE!!! AND LOOKING LIKE A HOBO!!! I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO PUT ON MASCARA!!! I HAD EXACTLY ENOUGH ENERGY TO PUT ON A BRA AND BRUSH MY TEETH AND DRIVE MYSELF HERE!!!!!" Except that I was too exhausted to scream and simply said, "Give me the drugs." Which he did. A lot of them (I had to make a spreadsheet of when to take each one.) Because on top of acute bronchitis I also have shingles. And they're fighting against each other for my attention which is why I'm getting worse and why I'm so tired.
So I got a lot of drugs, and while I was at it I also got a flu shot and a DTAP vaccination, because why not. And then he noticed that I was due for a pap smear and suggested I could have that done today and then I punched him in the face. No. Not really. Remember I can barely lift my arms. Which was just his dumb luck.
If you need me, I'll be in my bed.
PS. This is my second time around with shingles. I'm not looking forward to the next few weeks.
PS2. One of my antibiotics doesn't work if I have any dairy, which is seriously cutting into my Season of Eggnog.