Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Break from Spring Break

Well, my spring break is over and it's back to work, or rather, finding work. Lucky!! My week consisted mainly of: Staying up 18 hours past my bed time every night, painting pottery, eating out every day, 4 trips to Bert & Rocky's, going to a funeral, visiting a wee baby in the NICU (and I mean 1 lb 7 oz kind of wee, which is 7 oz bigger than he was 2 weeks ago), playing hide and seek at the Huntington Library, trips to the airport, trips to Pasadena, trips to the Claremont Village with Cynde my BFF like we use to when we were kids, eating my weight in ice cream, making hats for Not So Flat Andrea (wait for the pictures. Va-va-va-voom!), making signs for Amanda's triumphal return from the Frozen Tundra, playing with Stacy and Ben, buying toilet paper at Walgreens at 5am, going to the movies, fancy soap shopping, did I mention ice cream, and cheese cake, there's been some cheese cake too, laughing at Hayden's cow imitation (Mmmrrr.), crying through general conference, and laughing for days with all my funny, funny friends. Never has one girl been so lucky to have such hysterical and wonderful people in her life. Thanks for a wonderful week everyone. I've got memories enough to last me a whole lot longer than a tattoo. And now I really need a nap. Seriously. Where's my pillow?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Sounds like you've had a fantastic week! I'm jealous but excited to see pictures of the not so flat Andrea and her hats. I knew I could count on you guys!!!