Sunday, March 2, 2008

I want my cookies

Dear Girl Scouts,

Okay, so I know that your cookies aren't on my "no processed food" diet plan. But that should not stop you from coming to my door. I have every intention of buying them. As I was explaining to Katie yesterday, Girl Scout Cookies are like Christmas. We only get them once a year and missing them would be like missing Christmas. And who wants to miss Christmas?! Not me. So hurry up!

Oh, and, not that it's your fault or anything, but why did you change the names. Tag Alongs are Peanut Butter Patties, Do-see-dos are Peanut Butter Sandwiches, and Samoas are Carmel DeLites? As in Carmel by the Sea? Where Clint Eastwood was mayor? Did his agent pay you to rename it that? I don't get it. And, I object on the grounds that the Girl Scout Suits are illiterate. But my principles don't run that deep. I'll still buy at least 3 boxes.

I wonder what the number 1 cookie is. My guess if for Thin Mints, and not just because they're my favorite. They seem to be a universally loved treat. How about I do a poll? I'll send you the results when you bring me my cookies. Oh, and I'm using the real names, not the poorly spelled or made up ones. And I'm going to leave some of them out because, honestly, I don't want to know that any of my friends, when given the opportunity to buy girl scout cookies, choose the Cinna-Spin 100 Calorie Pack. Clearly, those people don't get it.

Hugs and Kisses,
Rachel =)


Amanda said...

Having just received my cookies today at church (sorry Rachel) I was suprised to find a box of the Lemonades in my order. I've never had those before and considering all the choices why did I get one of those? Well, I must say, I am not sorry that I did. Yummy! If you like lemon stuff of course. I would highly recommend them. I did vote for Thin Mints though because,come on...

Amanda said...

P.S. I just did a little research and apparently the good old fashioned names are still used. There are two companies that make the cookies and one company uses the lame names and the other uses the correct names.

jessica said...

Samoas all the way - there are good substitutes for thin mints on the market, but nothing comes close to a Samoa!

Mr. Hall said...

I'm coming down-stairs as soon as I hear those Girl Scouts knocking on your door to deliver those cookies! You had better order some Samoas (as good as thin mints are, nothing beats those samoas). If not love for your neighbor, at least order them to appease your neighbor. . . I may have to unleash the Kyle if you are unwilling to share! :)

Nicole said...

I was ready to ban GS cookies this year when I heard that they changed the names, but when we moved to Michigan, Rosie was upgraded from Daisies to Brownies. This meant selling cookies...and not only selling cookies, she had to have her order into the troop leader in two days. She sold 21 boxes, walking door to door in 10 degree Detroit weather. My daughter rocks. And my SAMOAS arrive on Saturday...and all was well with the world.

Anonymous said...

They came by my house ages ago and I'm waiting anxiously for the 10 boxes I ordered. I ordered 4 thin mints and 6 samoas. The downside is that as soon as they come I have to pay for them. And the whole trying to lose 10 pounds will go right out the window. Who cares! (So I'll have some cookies here, if you want to visit...)

Chris said...

Samoas are my favorite and since Gina hates coconut...more for me! Unfortunately no one came to our door, so hopefully I can still find them somewhere.

Nora's world said...

Here is a link to a recipe to make your own Samoas. This way you can have them year round (and I am SURE cheaper). :)

Nora's world said...

the last part is cookies-samoas/

Heather said...

Oh, how I love you for giving me a link to samoa cookies. I almost never make anything I get a recipe for, but I think I will actually use this one. I cant find those little girl scouts anywhere, and as Rachel said--"missing them would be like missing Christmas. And who wants to miss Christmas?! Not me."

Andrea said...

I'm also a Samoa fan, and I love the Dryers Samoa ice cream! I just got my boxes of Samoas and Thin Mints, and the real names are on the boxes. Maybe you should come out here to help me eat them!

Anonymous said...

MAN how do you even get cool enough to be on their route?? Perhaps they stroll my office... in fact I saw a sign posted for cookies the other day but I fear it was done by a soul who does not speak/write/understand English as a first language, because it was for "Yummy girl cookies."