Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Things are not right

Things are not right. Not at all. The exact opposite of right as a matter of fact.


1.) I couldn't fall asleep last night until about midnight. And...
2.) I woke up at 4am. As in 4am in the middle of the night. And...
3.) Instead of going back to sleep I decided to go to the gym. And...
4.) I actually went to the gym. In the middle of the night. When normal, happy people are sleeping. Well, I had to wait until it opened at 5 but it was still dark outside, which, in my book, constitutes the middle of the night. And there were people there. Not vampires but real human beings who were chatting with each other as if they always workout together in the middle of the night. And I would like to point out that it was still the middle of the night when I finished my workout. There were still stars in the sky, for crying in the mud. There was just a slightly lighter shade of black in the east.

No. Definitely not right.


Chris said...

So, did you join in their conversation? I hope you took the opportunity to make some new friends...or, even better, to meet some freaks that you can write about in future blog postings.

Valerie said...

Not right, indeed.

Rach said...

Wow. The fact that the thought to go to the gym at 4am entered your head makes me realize that I am not worthy. I wake up around then every morning and think about Fruit Loops and then roll over and pass out again. And yes, 4am is the middle of the night. And so is 5am. And so is anything before about 7am, which is still far too early to be thinking about anything but cereal.

Stephanie said...

You think that's weird? Try going to Walmart at 1:00 in the morning. I've seen people shopping (like it was normal) with their kids! Why was I there? Cuz I guess I'm not right in the head, either!

Gina said...

I've been to that gym lots of times at 5:00 a.m. Does the 300 year old lady who knows everyone and everything still work out there? And...I think they all attend the same womens' group in their church because they all know lots of other people. They seem very nice. I never spoke, of course. I don't start speaking until 8:00 - when I have to.