Tuesday, January 12, 2010


One of the blessings of unemployment is that I don't have to go to the gym in the middle of the night anymore. The middle of the night being 5:30am. It is still dark and the birds aren't chirping, therefore it is the middle of the night. When you go the gym in the middle of the night you see the same people. I've mentioned these ladies before. There's Old Woman and Very Old Woman and Old German Woman and Puerto Rican Teacher and Opera Singer and The Chesty Girl. I haven't quite figured out who are the regulars during the 8 o'clock hour yet because there are a billion people who go to the gym at that time. I have to hike to the entrance. Which is kind of funny that I would be so annoyed with that. Because I'm at the gym and already dressed for exertion.

There is one woman in the weight room this morning whom I'm praying is a regular. She came in and put her head phones on and started on one of the machines and this is what it sounded like:

"Ugh...1...ugh...two...ugh...gasp...three...Benny and the Jets...four...ugh...five...whoa!...uh-oh...come on...six...doo-dooooo-do...seeeeeeeeeeven...oh boy...eight...hmmm-mmmmm-mmmmm...nine...gasp...and...one more...almost there....TEN!...WAHOOO!...ugh."

This was for every set on every machine she was on. She must have been listening to Elton John's greatest hits because I also heard, "gasp...two...ugh...rocket man...three".


Andrea said...

She's got to be related to the old dancing lady at the gym I went to in Oregon. In between each rep on the machines she get up, kick her legs, dance like no other, and sing. I always wished you were there with me.

Amanda said...

Andrea, that is when you invest in a phone that takes video! We all needed to see that. I suggest that Rachel invest in one too. Except that you are unemployed. Hmmm...someone lend Rachel one of those.

Rach said...

I guess that's one of the downsides of working out at home. The upside is no hike from the parking lot. Just a hike up my stairs, and the exertion required to squeeze into my workout clothes.

The Katzbox said...

You know, I have one of those little Flip cams...they are so easy to conceal, I actually took video of a friend of my daughters as I was leaving a sacrament meeting...it was hysterical...so easy, so fun, the Flip cam was made for your blog, Rachel...

Anonymous said...

I heart you. I'm actually gonna post a blog update, will you tune in? Being the inspiration and all?