Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Miracle of Rocky

Thank you all for your lovely comments and emails and texts and phone calls.  What a wonderful group of friends you are. I have been truly touched.

I have also, and this may surprise you, been not as weepy as one would expect.  Basically since Monday I have girded up the old loins and soldiered on, quite cheerfully, I might add.  But today for some reason I have been just a little misty-eyed.  Possibly because Grandpa's obituary came out today in the local paper and people who didn't know suddenly did and started asking about it.  Anyway, I was misty-eyed and trying to talk myself out of full on crying at work when the most miraculous thing happened.  But first some background.  We have a giant TV up in the waiting room of the Pod that plays a continuous loop of documentaries about any one of the following topics:  surfing, trains, space travel, or animals eating other animals.  It gets really tedious so the receptionists brought in some different movies - one of which (and here is the miracle) was Rocky III.  It is almost impossible to weep sad tears when you're listening to the Rocky theme song and watching him train with Apollo before he goes to town on Mr. T.


Camille said...

First of all, I am still in shock that people read the obituary section. Second, you make our "local paper" sound like we are from a small town. I like that image in my mind, as well as the image of going to the post office where the one postman has all the town gossip.
Thank you Rocky for inspiring us all.

Rach said...

The Rocky movies are the best. And now I want to watch Rocky III. I love that one. Who doesn't love Mr. T and Carl Weathers?

Heidi said...


...and Camille my mom STILL reads the obits from Chino & Ontario. :)