I'm wearing my stripey socks, which generally have magical powers to lift all woes. But not today. Because today I feel like that white part at the bottom. I feel like a heel. I had to spend my morning calling each of our 40 employees to tell them that, due to a glitch in our payroll system, the checks they
received today cannot be cashed and they will have to wait until Tuesday to get their new ones. Which would be fine if these people all had rich uncles to pay their electric bills but they're mostly all working as custodians or food service workers or clerks at the county hospital and making about $9.75/hr. I don't know how many times today I've said, "I'm REALLY sorry."
Oh man...that is rough...very rough....I'm REALLY sorry Rachel...and I mean it...
Those are cute. I need something like that to lift my woes.
That is some kind of glitch. And right before a weekend. That stinks really bad. Does that include your paycheck? Then I'd feel worse because I know you were planning a trip to Trader Joe's AND Bert and Rocky's.
Yikes. Sorry you had to be the one to break the bad news.
So, is "glitch" code for "Rachel inadvertently did something she wasn't supposed to"? Because that would be even worse, heel-wise.
No. It was a computer error that our payroll company didn't pick up. But everytime I explained the situation it certainly felt like it was my fault.
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