Monday, May 3, 2010

Knecht Fest '010: Part 1

It was Knecht Fest '010: Part 1 this weekend up in Utah. (Part 2 will be in 2 weeks when Casey and Kylea get married. It will be similar to Part 1 only there will be even more family in a smaller place. Look out Logandale, NV. We're coming!) The whole family was together and we laughed a lot and ate a lot of ice cream (True story: it was 32 degrees and snowing yesterday morning outside of Cedar City, UT when we stopped to get gas. This did not stop us from getting ice cream cones. That is how dedicated we are to the cause.) There were many, many highlights but here are just a few:

1.) Lindsay graduated from college in December but did not attend the ceremony. So we threw her a surprise one. Because if there is one thing my family loves it's a graduation mock. (I actually think my family should be hired out to sit in the audience at graduations because you can not believe how entertaining we can be.) It was complete with banners, Pomp and Circumstance, a mortar board, a speech (that was written for her and contained a lot of Seinfeld quotes), and a multicultural portion wherein Gina and Chris sang "The Impossible Dream" in Spanish.

2.) When I was introduced to Kylea's grandma the first thing she said to me was, "It looks like I've just met the midget of the family." I can not express to you just how funny I thought this was because a.) sassy grandma! and b.) so true. When I'm really and truly 80 I plan to be just like that. Do not be alarmed if I start practicing now.

3.) Camille and I flew out there on Thursday night and while on the shuttle bus from the long-term parking to the airport a woman got on and said, "Boy, it's windy out there. How's my hair? It was blowing all over the place. And I even glued it down this morning."


The Katzbox said...

sassy grandma=good times

start practicing now, by all means.

you are a "funny person" magnet. You attract them. It's a gift. A gift of the spirit. The spirit of fun. I'm certain it's in the scriptures somewhere.

"To some it is given to attract people of silliness and great humor. And to others it is given to interpret such humor and silliness."

Lucky girl, you received both gifts.


Anonymous said...

Umm, glued down hair, seinfeld quotes in a commencement speech, sassy grandmas, the word "midget,"and ice cream cones in freezing weather... I love this blog!

rachelsaysso said...

Lucky girl indeed. I am 100% convinced it is a Gift of the Spirit. Seriously. There is definitly a greater power behind the number of funny things I see every single day.

Angela said...

Can an old lady even overdo sassy? Golly, that is one of the biggest pros for aging, in my opinion.

NB: Sassy - not to be confused with mean and prying?

Erin said...

Wait, you're going to be related to someone in Logandale, Nevada? You realize that if you're related to one person there, you're related to them all?? And don't tell me that your future sister-in-law's grandmother is Louise Doty from Logandale...because calling someone a midget is exactly the kind of thing she would do. Oh, and for future reference, if it is Louise, watch your back. She's not only sassy, she's a klepto.

Rach said...

I second everything Katzbox said. Ah, the midget of the family. Too funny. I wish you were at my graduation from high school. I actually fell asleep. Jacob's graduating from preschool this month. Is your family available to book?

Stephanie said...

I have to go to a kindergarten graduation. Everyone's so excited about it and so "proud" of their little kindergartner - and they are going to hand out Kleenex! Like I'm going to cry at her Kindergarten graduation?? I will shed tears when they are good and deserved - possibly when she graduates magna cum laude from medical school.

Gina said...

I hope Louise comes to the reception! I'll wear some bling to attract her.

Mariah said...

I was going to comment on how funny it seems your life is but that's been done. I love reading about it. It makes me think I must be missing something in mine...