Monday, November 7, 2011

The Kids are Alright

I think you all need to give me a stirring round of applause.  Why?  Because I was released as the Primary President yesterday and I didn't cry church.  At home - different story.  Marvel at my self control!!! I've known it was coming for a few weeks now - which made last week's primary program even more of a tear-fest, and I actually have felt for some time now that it was imminent - I'm still the stake girls camp director and I made it clear that it was only through many, many miracles that I was able to do both this past year and that, while I was willing to do it again, maybe we shouldn't tax heaven so much the next time around.  So I was prepared.

But do you know what I wasn't prepared for?  How much I would love working in the Primary.  Before I got in I would hear people say, "I love being in Primary.  It's the best job in the whole church," and I was certain they were saying that just to make themselves feel better about the whole thing.  Because who wants to spend 2 hours of every Sunday with 40 kids making sure they don't poke someones eye out when you could be having deep doctrinal discussions with adults? 

Um, I do.  Because those kids are awesome.  They made me laugh every single week.  And they sometimes said the most profound and really sweet things.  And we got to sing a lot.  Remember how freaked out I was about the whole thing?  As all the kids were filing in on Sunday, giving me hugs and high fives, I felt like a total pro.

Next church adventure:  Nursery Assistant.  That's right - I'll be hanging with the toddler set, eating gold fish crackers and playing with bubbles.  I'm thinking of instituting nap time. 


Andrea said...

This post made me sad, that is until I saw that you are nursery assistant. What a fun calling! I'm sure those primary kids will miss you though.

Mariah said...

You must have made the best primary president ever! What lucky kids.

Good luck in nursery!

Unknown said...

I had a dream where I got released from being primary pres. (my current calling also) and I was a blubbering idiot so I am in awe of you at this moment.. I am on 2 years of this fantastic calling so i'm thinking my time is winding down also (I also do YW camp but only on a ward level) Nursery is gonna rock with you in it.... congrads and big hugs!

Stephanie said...

I've been Primary President twice and both times I cried when I was called AND when I was released. Primary is the place to be! Nursery is a little more secluded than even Primary is - but it is such a necessary, beautiful part of the gospel. I've had some beautifully spiritual experiences while singing "Wheels on the Bus" and playing with toy trains.

So proud of you!

Taylor Family said...

What Stephanie said- my sentiments exactly. Plus, I'm glad you'll be at girls' camp again next year!

Rach said...

First of all, gold star for keeping it together at church. As a fellow bawl baby, I know what a challenge that can be. Also, congrats on the nursery calling. I've subbed in nursery a few times, and I LOVED it. Partly I loved the snacks. Also, nursery kids have no filter so you get to hear all kinds of funny stuff. Of course, I'm always concerned when Tyler's leaders tell me he says the funniest stuff, but won't tell me what it is. Anyway, congrats.

teresa p said...

I'm gone one stinkin' week and the world as I know it starts falling apart! Do me a favor and e-mail me with all of the changes that happened on Sunday as well as anything else that happens while I'm gone. Or come over and fill me in. I'll trade you baby snuggle time :)

Valerie said...

Don't be ashamed to eat the snacks. You'll need your strength.