Wednesday, January 23, 2013

She's living the dream

Admit it, you envision quitting your miserable job and flitting off to Europe for several months, right? (I don't.  I love my job.  I'm never leaving.  Well, except the flitting off the Europe bit is always high on my list of adventures, as long as I could come back and spend 8 hours a day just hanging out and occasionally playing some ping pong.) Anyway, you would do it if you could right, but something is always stopping you.

But it's not stopping my amazing friend Nicola.  She quit her miserable job and will be flitting off to Europe for several months.  Ugh!  It's all so glamorous.  Which, if you know Nicola, it could not be anything but glamorous.  She is the classiest gal I know.  And we're all in luck because she has started a blog to document her adventures

I think you need to follow it.  And here's why.  1.)  She's living the dream.  We should support people who are living the dream.  2.)  She has the best taste in everything.  You will not be disappointed in the stuff she shows you.  Inevitably when I see something on Pinterest that is stunning it has been pinned by her.  3.)  She has a high appreciation for good food.  I can't wait for the pictures. 4.) Nicola elevates everything she's around. You could use some of that in your life.  5.)  Katie is going to meet her in Prague.  Knecht Abroad!  6.)  She has been soliciting friends for mini adventures to do in various countries.  Like yodeling in the Alps, that sort of stuff.  And she has some really good ones.  So far I have about 15 things for her to do with more to come. Nothing really embarassing, just things that will hopefully make for really good stories. Like asking someone to take a picture of her at least once a day.  Or spending a day sampling all the chocolate shops in the city.  This could be fun for all of us.

Good luck, Nicola!  Happy travels!


Andrea said...

She really is a classy gal. Any chance flat Rachel is going to travel along with Nicola?

Nicola Morris said...

Rachel you are awesome! Thanks for the glowing endorsement. I am so looking forward to your list of mini adventures!

Rach said...

So. Dang. Jealous. What an adventure!

Anonymous said...

I'm quitting my job in no more than 6 years and a couple months, and then moving to some deserted stretch of meadow land, building a house, and never leaving again. Creepy Smelly Recluse Dream = mine.