I did, in fact, get my upstairs neighbors evicted. Well, actually, I like to think that they got themselves evicted. I just ratted them out for dumping their bong water out of the bedroom window.
They've been moving for a few days now, almost entirely in the middle of the night. Last night it was from 10 to 2. About every 15 minutes I would wake up to heavy objects being dropped on the floor. Or many feet scuttling up and down the stairs. Katie woke up to one of the Upstairs yelling to Mrs. Cranky Smoker, "Well we never complained about your husband smoking all day long." He has a fair point, Mrs. CS. Your husband's habit is kind of vile. Which is worse, having a 12 pack a day smoker next door or a loud punk upstairs? The smoker is truly miserable but at least you can shut the door on him. It's tough to drown out the noise of 15 kids in a room getting high and listening to really loud rap.
Okay, so they're almost gone. If we could just get the Smokers and then the Megaphones who live across the way out then all my dreams would come true. Because those people are loud. I was once in the shower, water running, door closed and I could still hear them talking on their balcony.
On the flip side, as of this weekend there are 16 units in our complex with Mormons in them. People of Las Brisas, we are taking over! You'll be so happy when Armageddon hits (we are next to a Walmart, the fireballs will hit there first.) and we share our food storage with you.
I've actually thought about moving out that way after graduation.
Rachel, I like your blog. I loved it on blogionaire.com
My Downstairses left a pile of trash on my welcome mat this morning. Which means they walked all the way up my stairs to do it. I was not impressed.
We Could have made it 17 if we could have gotten passed flo quoting crazy prices that changed 5 times in 1 conversation. :P
We Could have made it 17 if we could have gotten passed flo quoting crazy prices that changed 5 times in 1 conversation. :P
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