Friday, August 3, 2007

Boo Banana!

Dear Makers of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups:

Gross!!! I picked up what I thought was one of your mini peanut butter cups from out of Terry's candy dish and when I unwrapped it I noticed that the bottom half was yellow. I thought, "Awesome! Extra peanut butter flavor!" And then I bit into it. It wasn't peanut butter. It was banana. Ew! In theory it's a good idea. Bananas and chocolate, yum. Bananas and peanut butter, yum. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches were Elvis's favorite and the King can not be wrong. Banana's are great, but banana flavoring is disgusting.

I guess I'm cranky because I only allow myself one treat out of Terry's dish a day and now it's wasted. Thanks for nothing!


P.S. We'll just see what the people have to say about it. I've set up a new poll. Banana flavor: yum or yuck? If the majority of the people say yuck then I am demanding that you discontinue the candy.


Heather said...

I agree--banana flavoring is not the best...especially when you are expecting peanut butter...

Amanda said...

Actual bananas- super yummy. Banana flavoring- nasty on almost every level. Are you actually sending this letter Rachel, because if it is a new product, think about all the poor people you could save from a moment such a yours. Do your civic duty!

Liz the Poet said...

I second, third, and fourth everyone on this. Fake banana flavoring is worse than a wax banana (and I've accidentally bitten one of those, so I know.)

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Discontinue immediately.

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Discontinue Immediately.

Nicole said...

I actually had one last week and really liked it. Usually fake banana isn't great, but I think it works in this case.