Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've been trying to think of a good metaphor for how sore I am today. One does not exist. I will tell you though that I painted red curbs for a few hours on Saturday which has caused my hamstrings to stage a revolt. They will no longer let me sit, stand or walk. And yesterday at the gym I worked my abs, which from the looks of things don't actually exist on me, but let me tell you, they do. You can't see them but if you listen closely you can hear them screaming. I'm pretty sure they have pitchforks. And last night at nunchucks we had to practice our blocking. We do blocking every week but it's just the motions. This time we actually had to block foam sticks coming at our face. Guess what happens when you block a foam stick about 100 times. Your arms fall off. I'm typing this with my nose, which is the only part of my body still working.

I am 80.


The Katzbox said...

Thank you Rachel...thank you so very much for the hilarious and face breaking laughter I am experiencing as I type this with my fingers that are the only things NOT hurting because of my laughing at your description of your pain.... oh my gosh ..... hidden, screaming abs with pitchforks, lost arms, ..... I hope you feel better soon....but part of me doesn't because I really want you to come up with a killer metaphor....I'm so conflicted because I'm a relatively compassionate person but apparently YOUR pain is MY gain...sorry my friend....so very sorry...

Rach said...

I'm just impressed that you still went to the gym after painting curbs. And then you went to nunchucks, which, of course, you can't miss, but if I knew I had nunchucks class coming up, I would opt out of the gym. You're awesome.

Anonymous said...

painting curbs? huh?

p.s. - feel better soon!