Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't put the turkey in the dishwasher

1.)  At Relief Society tonight we learned about freezing food.  We got a handout that told us all about it and in it there was a section about safe defrosting.  Basically it said to do it in the fridge, and to not do it in several placed, including 1.)  the car and 2.) the dishwasher.  This makes me believe that there have been people who, on Thanksgiving morning, started panicking that their turkey wasn't thawed so they just strapped it into their car and ran some errands.  Or threw it in the dishwasher with a few dirty forks and ran a load.  I really hope so.

2.)  Oh, the grand time Flat Rachel is going to have during her Summer of Fun.  New Zealand!  Tunisia!  New York!  Arizona!  Utah!  Nebraska!  The exotic southern California Wine Country with a possible field trip to THE Ohio!  Cerritos with a possible field trip to Bakersfield!  Plus Chris has promised dance class and bedazzled pants.  I'm pretty sure I'm already jealous of my flat self.  Here's the plan:  If you want to participate email me your address and I'll work up an itinerary.  I was thinking that instead of you sending her back to me you could send her on to her next location and we'll see how far she can go.  I'll work out the details and get her a passport and pack some sunscreen and we'll get this rolling.  I'm very excited.  I plan to throw her a big welcome home party when she gets back.  There will be a slide show.  And popsicles.


Amanda said...

While I would love to help with Flat Rachel, I have issues with mailing things. Last time I was in charge of a flat 'somebody', I kept him waaaaay too long and I'm sure broke that little boy's heart. But, I will look forward to your Flat Rachel update!

Laura said...

I did see a show once - maybe on the Food Network - that showed you how to cook food in the dishwasher. I am not kidding. From what I remember, they were making some sort of fish dish. They wrapped a whole fish with seasonings and stuff in about a million layers of foil and layed it on the top rack (there were no other dishes in there), and then started it. It basically steamed the fish.

I seem to recall this same show demonstrating cooking on a car engine also...something about the heat from the radiator.


The Katzbox said...

I know people who cook both of those methods. For real. Pot roast on the engine of her car in AZ while she runs errands all day and a good friend who makes killer salmon in the top shelf of her dishwasher. It's the real deal.

My email is

Oh, the places she'll go....

Tammy said...

I don't know what flat Rachel's taste in music is but she can come with me to see elton john this summer

Stephanie said...

We're going to the Grand Canyon at the end of June - see if you can get her to us before the 25th and she will get to see some amazing sights. If not - we'll make sure to go on some fabulous adventure.

Rach said...

You know I'm in.

And cooking in the dishwasher? Really, buy a steamer, people. And a crockpot costs about 30 bucks. It would probably save you a lot of engine trouble.

Katie said...

I just read about someone who bakes cookies in her car. She puts them right under the back window and in 1 hour, while she's at work, the cookies are baked and ready to eat. And, added bonus, your car smells magical.

Anonymous said...

OHmy. I have to try to bake cookies in the car this summer! That sounds amazing.

I emailed you about Flat Rachel. I think I could do at least one or 2 fun things with her here in Austin! :) Sounds like such a cute idea!