Wednesday, May 5, 2010


You've seen Breakfast at Tiffany's, right? You know OJ Berman? Holly Golightly's agent friend who always calls Paul Varjak Fred-Baby? We were sitting in front of a bunch of his offspring last night at the Dodger game. Real schmoozy Hollywood muckity-mucks. Only they were considerably less entertaining. They all strolled in wearing expensive looking suits with no ties and spent half of the 5 innings they were there drinking beer and talking about casting shoots and set walk-throughs and the other half drinking beer and fixing the world of sports. These were four men who clearly knew everything and loved nothing more than to hear themselves talk, and talk, and talk. Oh, my, the talking. What's the point of saying anything if you don't saying it 10 times. It got really amusing when the ringleader got up to go get another beer and offered to get the other fellas something, (insert transplanted east-coaster accent) "You boys want anything? You? You want something refreshing? I'll get you something refreshing. A beer? How about a refreshing beer? How about I get you a nice, cool refreshing beer? I'll get you something refreshing. And you? Ice water? I know you. You want ice water. I'll get you an ice water."

It was only moderately annoying, up until Tommy Lasorda came out to watch a bit of the game and they started ragging on him. UNACCEPTABLE! I wanted to turn around and accidentally dump my Icee on them. I refrained because what a waste of a perfectly good - no, refreshing - Icee.


Stephanie said...

Again with the amazingly funny experiences. You have the funniest life.

Rach said...

This is why I need to start watching baseball. Although it sounds like a very beertastic version of every concert I went to at BYU. I loved those know-it-all guys that felt the need to explain everything to their (probably way smarter) date. I'm glad you didn't waste your Icee, but it's too bad you didn't have some refreshing ice water to spill down their pricey suits.

The Katzbox said...

Were there cameras there? Did you inadvertently step into the scene of a Goodfellas shoot? And now I've got that East Coast thug accent in my head for the rest of the day. oh noes....

The hubs will arrive home and I'll be, "Sos, you wants something hot for dinnah? I don't know, like maybe a meat loaf? you know, like, 'don't let chur meat loaf? HA HA HA HA"

I think it's time for a Jersey Shore reality episode...

Oh no, it's a little after 7:30 in the morning's going to be a long and funny day here in my head...and it will be starring YOU, my dear....

Andrea said...

Did you say to Andre Ethier for me?

Amanda said...

I was sitting in the sauna last night and thought of you as I was annoyed by a lady smacking her gum. There should be laws about how to behave in certain places. Dodger Stadium and the sauna. If you could get on that. I'll be sure to post the list next time in the sauna. All I can think of now is 'Don't smack gum.' Oh, yeah and 'Don't hum.'