Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Put down that Twinkie!

Dear Friends,

Today at the Pod I saw the most vivid example of why we should all avoid diabetes:  a freshly amputated toe!  EGADS! 

Hoping you eat your veggies,


Valerie said...

I sort of go through these phases where I'm convinced I have some dread disease. Recently, I convinced myself (and my sister, Annie, as a matter of fact), that I had diabetes. How you ask? Well, I was really thirsty. And tired. And all that was missing was the dramatic weight loss (which never occurred, by the way).
Anyway, I'm not as thirsty these days, so, I guess I don't have it.
Thanks for the heads up.

Rach said...

We've been drinking a lot of green smoothies lately. It's basically an entire day's worth of veggies and fruit in one big cup of smoothie. Some are better than others. One time, Tim put in broccoli. Not a good smoothie veggie. But we're hoping to avoid missing toes this way.