Thursday, February 14, 2013

V-Day at the Gym

Here's who you see at the gym on Valentine's Day:

My gym:  the type of guys women wisely stay away from.  Not because they're unattractive but because they scream at the TV when UFC is on and the only words they know are the four-letter kind, "dude",  and the phrase, "My hammies are totally shredded."

Katie's gym (an all women's place): bitter women.  The kind who when they hear "Happy Valentine's Day!" reply, "Oh, is it?  Is it REALLY?"

Happy Valentine's Day you lovely, lovely people.


Gina said...

Got to go to Zumba last night (Happy V-day to me) and our class was empty! Let's have V-Day every Tuesday and Thursday. Yeah!

Valerie said...

I'd love to see an on-going piece where both you and Katie got to your gyms on semi-holidays and interview people.

Anonymous said...

Katie if you're reading this, I didn't mean to shout that so loudly at you...