Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I've learned to whisper in her office

Things I have heard other patients say through the the vents of my doctor's office while I fight off her attempts to squirt yet another nasal spray up my nose:

1.) "Is it going to get any bigger?"
2.) "I've been peeing blood for 3 weeks now."
3.) "It made my toenail fall off."
4.) "The rash started on my back but now it's on my butt."

When I filled out the survey yesterday on how my visit was I wrote, "Very entertaining."


Laura said...

All I have to say about that is...yuck!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I could write a story for each one of those setences. I'll give you a by-line.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I could write a story for each one of those setences. I'll give you a by-line.